Saturday, August 23, 2014

I have a Love/Hate Relationship with Summer

 We offer Introduction to Backpacking once a month

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
-John Lubbock, The Use of Life

Ava celebrates Independence Day with us relaxing at home

I dislike summer here because it can get so hot here in the valley.  Hot and dry. Really dry this year. It's not so bad when it cools off in the evenings, and honestly I felt like most mornings were quite cool and refreshing this summer.  But Jeff and I do look forward to some day moving to a place with cooler summers.

Sonora Peak Hike

And then I love summer because I have 8 wonderful weeks off from work - a necessary break from teaching first grade before starting anew each school-year.  I get to sleep in, spend hours as opposed to minutes drinking my coffee, catch up on house chores, spend more time with my kids and Jeff, and of course get into the outdoors a whole lot more often.

Some summers we've done 2 week road trips, and we miss them, but that kind of trip doesn't work when you are building a retail business and you can't get that many consecutive days off.  So this summer we were content to stay-cation quite a bit, and fill our afternoons and evenings with bike rides, backyard swims, and concert-in-the-park picnics; also we fit in quite a few day-trips full of hiking and kayaking, and a couple overnight backpacking trips (including our guided trips where we take customers out for an educational wilderness experience.)

Backpacking Trip to Chewing Gum Lake

We continued offering our Introduction to Backpacking class (offered once a month) in the store.  This is always a fun evening - we are passionate about getting people equipped to get outdoors with confidence, and this class allows us to do that.  

Concert in the Park, every Thursday night

Movie Night at Jaunt is always a nice weeknight break from the daily grind, a time to both socialize with other outdoor enthusiasts and catch an outdoor-themed film.  This summer we showed Mile, Mile and a Half and grilled up some sausages and hot dogs. This fall we will be showing another Berghaus climbing movie - this will be a great evening, with reps from the company putting on this event. 

So, with fresh peaches and basil and hot afternoons on their way out as we transition into cooler weather and shorter days, we look forward to autumn.  It is my favorite season, even though I am back at work and the kids are back in their activities (like karate, soccer, and Center Stage Kids, youth groups at church...), and we are super busy this time of year.  

Always a fun at Graceada - decorating thanks to Aunt Shirley

Here's what our family is looking forward to: the gorgeous ginko trees in our neighborhood showing us their true colors. Driving over Sonora Pass to see the amazing aspen groves in their fall splendor. Using the backyard fire pit.  Fall backpacking, when the crowds and mosquitos are gone.  Saturday soccer games (go Austin!)  Planting fall veggies (carrots, kale, lettuce, cilantro).  Kayaking the Stanislaus River canyon and Utica lake in the quiet of fall.  (Did I mention people and bugs are gone in the fall?)  

Family Day Hike,  12 miles, Emigrant Wilderness

What can our customers look forward to at Jaunt as autumn approaches?  New gear arriving all the time to help you transition into your cooler weather activities.  More guided trips on the water in a kayak or raft.  Free guided day-hikes.  Wilderness overnight trips. An orienteering clinic for map & compass practice.  And there'll be more - we have some surprises around the corner!  

Volunteering at Gold Rush Adventure 6 & 12 hour race

What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness."
-John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America

Smith Ranch Peaches

Goodbye summer!  See you next year, hopefully after a 

RAIN-FILLED/SNOW-FILLED fall, winter, and spring!  

The daily swim